Meet Host Bryn Perrott!
Bryn’s 2024 guests are Buttcoffin, Part-time Poodle, CJSews, and Christina Kang.
Hi! My name is Bryn Perrott and I live and work in Morgantown, WV in the United States.
I work from home where I drink 8 shots of espresso a day and hang out with my cats while carving, printing, painting or drawing. I quote Aliens, Terminator, It’s a Wonderful Life and Christmas Carol (1984 George C scott version) daily. And I buy a lot of jumpsuits and pointed western shoes.
I’ve been using the name Deerjerk since 2010. Deerjerk is a name I picked for instagram with no intention of anything related to art. I think it was easier for people to remember Deerjerk rather than my real name.